May 19, 2023
Import folders, 5x more fonts, & more

Make Almanac the home for all your docs. We've improved document importing so that now folders and the hierarchy of content from services like Confluence and Notion transfer through the import process into your Almanac workspace.

Learn how to use Import →

5x more fonts

We've added 100+ more fonts so you now have more choices to make your doc your own.

Super Admins

After feedback from our beta users, we've introduced a new user type to workspaces: Super Admins.

Super Admins have complete control over their workspace with the ability to access and edit any doc, folder, handbook, or group in their workspace.

This is particularly useful for administrators who want to set up and organize their company's workspace without having to request access to each individual file.

Allowed domains

We've added a new workspace setting that makes the registration process more streamlined for people from the same team. When you add your work domain to the Allowed Domains setting, invited users with that domain in their email address will see your workspace as an option when they sign up or log in— making it quicker for them to what they need to collaborate.

Section links

A link icon now appears next to headings that you can click to copy a link directly to that section when sharing a doc.

Disconnection notification

If you temporarily lose internet access, we've added a notification  and now lock the document so you can't make any edits that won't be saved.

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Bug Fixes